Hello crazy folks! Im here now... tired as usual when i travel to my parents. the air just went out when i arrived. But i feel kind of calm.
Jag läste några saker på vägen hit om kognitiva besvär. Kognition=tanke. Med två underrubriker tankeinnehåll-vad tankarna handlar om och tankeprocess-hur tänkandet går till. Under en depression är tankeinnehållet ofta negativt o tankeprocessen trög.
Kognitiva besvär är störning i tankeprocessen. uppmärksamheten, lära sig saker, komma ihåg, planera och lösa problem.
Vad är då depression?
jo.. Sänkt stämningsläge,liten energi,trötthet,liten lust,litet intresse. Sömn och aptit är störd. Svårt med uppmärksamhet o koncentration. Sämre självförtroende och orimliga självförebråelser. Ångest, kroppslig smärta. Vanföreställningar, hallucinationer Självmordstankar eller -planer.
Kognitiva besvär påverkar ju oss i vardagen helt otroligt mycket! Men såklart syns det ju inte utanpå. Man vill inte verka dum , så man frågar inte fler än två gånger. Svårt att fatta beslut och lösa problem. Komma ihåg vad man bestämt, laga mat, handla osv.
...Ett dolt handikapp!
För alla runt omkring (varning ÄVEN LÄKARE) kan detta uppfattas som en brist på vilja, att man e lat eller dum. Men detta har ingenting med intelligens att göra! Intelligensen är en stabil egenskap och är inte beroende av de kognitiva besvären.
DEt jag vill komma fram till är att omvärlden tar inte hänsyn till dina tankestörningar, de fattar inte och få vet att detta ens har såhär fina namn och beskrivningar. Så för att underlätta för sin egna stress på jobbet, fest, bland vänner och för att inte få ännu sämre självförstoende måste vi berätta, kartlägga och beskriva våra kognitiva besvär!
I read some things on the way here on cognitive disorders.Cognition = thought. With two sub-headings given the thought-content = what thoughts are about and thought-processes=how your thinking works.During a depression is thought-content often negatively o the thinking-process slowcognitive disorders are disturbances in thought processes could be problems with attention, learning , remembering , planning and solve problems.
What then is depression?
yes! .. Depressed mood=low energy, fatigue, low desire, low interest. Sleep and appetite are disturbed. Difficulties with attention o concentration. Poor self-esteem and excessive self-reproach. Anxiety, physical pain. Delusions, hallucinations, suicidal thoughts or plans.
Cognitive disorders affect us in everyday life very much! But of course it's not visible on your outside. You do not want to seem stupid, so you do not ask more than twice. Difficulty to make decisions and solve problems. Remember what you decided or to cook, shop, etc..
... A hidden handicap!
For all around us (warning even DOCTORS), this may be perceived as a lack of will, that one is lazy or stupid. But this has nothing to do with intelligence! Intelligence is a stable property and is not dependent on the cognitive symptoms.
MY conclusion is that the world does not take into account your thought disorder, they dony get it or understand it. And i really hope that to get to know this even fine names and descriptions of your condtition will help you. So to ease your own stress on the job, party or among friends and not get even worse self-esteem we must talk about, identify and describe our cognitive problems
What then is depression?
yes! .. Depressed mood=low energy, fatigue, low desire, low interest. Sleep and appetite are disturbed. Difficulties with attention o concentration. Poor self-esteem and excessive self-reproach. Anxiety, physical pain. Delusions, hallucinations, suicidal thoughts or plans.
Cognitive disorders affect us in everyday life very much! But of course it's not visible on your outside. You do not want to seem stupid, so you do not ask more than twice. Difficulty to make decisions and solve problems. Remember what you decided or to cook, shop, etc..
... A hidden handicap!
For all around us (warning even DOCTORS), this may be perceived as a lack of will, that one is lazy or stupid. But this has nothing to do with intelligence! Intelligence is a stable property and is not dependent on the cognitive symptoms.
MY conclusion is that the world does not take into account your thought disorder, they dony get it or understand it. And i really hope that to get to know this even fine names and descriptions of your condtition will help you. So to ease your own stress on the job, party or among friends and not get even worse self-esteem we must talk about, identify and describe our cognitive problems
And i really hope that to get to know this " fine names" and descriptions of your condtition will help you do that!
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