Jag har haft problem med ångest, oro och panikattacker sen jag var typ femton. När jag gick gymnasiet kom min första ångest period. Den höll i sig läänge! typ ett år nästan. Åkte till akuten varje natt och ingen berättade för mig vad det var frågan om. Jag kom in SÄKER på att jag snart skulle dö. Och de tog ett ekg sen kom nån doktor in och frågade mig om jag "tänkt på nåt tråkigt ikväll?". Jag blev svin förbannad och fattade tillslut att de trodde att jag gjorde detta mot mig själv.(!) Utvecklade fobier, hade fruktansvärd ångest ofta. Tills jag av en slump träffade en annan tjej som hade panikångest och berättade om detta. Men! Det va ju jag! Sökte hjälp. Gick till bup och träffade en läkare som frågade mig allt om mina sexuella relationer. När jag blivit av med oskulden, hur ofta jag hade sex (!?!) Slutade terapin och vågade inte söka en ny förrän tre år senare. Tre år senare träffade jag en läkare som sa att jag hade problem med mig själv, att jag inte kunde vara vegetarian, att jag levde ett destruktivt liv då jag studerade musik och konst. Jag fick träffa en psykolog som sa till mig att detta skulle gå över av sig självt och att jag bara skulle försöka skaffa lite bättre självförtroende..
To be continued...
I have had problems with anxiety and panic attacks since I was like fifteen. When I was in high school, i had my first fear period. It persisted for a loong time! one year almost. Went to the emergency room every night and nobody told me what it was all about. I came there confident that I would die soon. And they did a ekg then some doctor came to me and asked me if I "thought of something sad tonight?". I was pissed off and i soon understood that they thought I did this to myself. (!) Developed phobias, had terrible anxiety often. Until I by chance met another girl who had panic attacks and talked about this. It was ME! Sought help. Went to the youth psychologist and met a doctor who asked me all about my sexual relationships. When I lost my virginity, how often I had sex(!?!) Ended therapy and did not dare to seek a new doctor until three years later. Three years later, I met a doctor who said I had problems with myself, that I could not be a vegetarian, I was living a destructive life when I was studying music and art. I got to meeta psychologist who told me that this would go over by itself and that I
must try to get some more confidence ..
To Be Continued ...
To be continued...
I have had problems with anxiety and panic attacks since I was like fifteen. When I was in high school, i had my first fear period. It persisted for a loong time! one year almost. Went to the emergency room every night and nobody told me what it was all about. I came there confident that I would die soon. And they did a ekg then some doctor came to me and asked me if I "thought of something sad tonight?". I was pissed off and i soon understood that they thought I did this to myself. (!) Developed phobias, had terrible anxiety often. Until I by chance met another girl who had panic attacks and talked about this. It was ME! Sought help. Went to the youth psychologist and met a doctor who asked me all about my sexual relationships. When I lost my virginity, how often I had sex(!?!) Ended therapy and did not dare to seek a new doctor until three years later. Three years later, I met a doctor who said I had problems with myself, that I could not be a vegetarian, I was living a destructive life when I was studying music and art. I got to meeta psychologist who told me that this would go over by itself and that I
must try to get some more confidence ..
To Be Continued ...
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