Yesterday i felt so lonely! Still have the feeling...
I was adding all men that i thought would give me attention on facebook.. Sent messages to men im not even interested in and felt sorry for myself... hee hee!
But i did four good things.
1. i took a class at my gym BODYBALANCE it was really good!! Yoga thai chi and pilates combined. Breathing is the core of life!!
2. And i was at a femenism meeting about women in arts. I felt a belonging to my sisters. And felt good because one of my really big momentum (dunno if the word is prop. used) has ben human rights! I m b a c k ! ! !

3. I was at a meeting with my boss at my old job.. i cried and felt no shame. It was a chock coming into the building again, meeting all the people. And walking in the corridor, my body was screaming: run away!!this is dangerous!!
4. I read quite much of self helping books!
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